Death Is An Inconvenience
Death is an inconvenience
It bangs loudly at your door at 2am
While you’re asleep
It’s rude and loud
It doesn’t care about your current wellbeing or mental status
Death is that hurricane that appears on the seas while you’re on your cruise
Shaking your boat and rocks your senses
Making you seasick
Death is an inconvenience
It is the ex partner that came to your wedding to disrupt your ceremony
That phone call from school saying your child is sick
It’s that sudden rush to the hospital on the day of your birthday
That phone call that came in while you’re on holiday
Saying that something tragic happened at home
Death is an inconvenience
But a necessary one
It is the terrible reminder that life is fragile
A reminder that everything has a beginning and also an end
A reminder to live that life before it expires
Death is an inconvenience
It makes you uncomfortable
Whips you out of that comfort zone
To remind you
That life is fleeting