Designing An All Inclusive Ghanaian Streaming Platform
Designing an all-inclusive streaming platform for Ghanaian Movies And TV Shows
Question: What would a “ Netflix for Ghana” look like?
The Ghana Movie Industry is kind of fragmented right now. Studios premiere their movies at the cinema and after a couple of months, these movies may be appear on Netflix, Showmax, or on the studio’s own streaming platform.
Other times, they just “disappear”.
It would so much better if studios put their content online for movie and TV show watchers to pay and stream.
So what would happen if all the Ghanaian production houses all came together and decided to have their movies and TV shows in one location where users can stream all their content?
That solution would be Reelz Network — A Concept for a streaming platform for Ghanaian Movies And TV Shows.
The concept basically follows the principles of most modern streaming platforms: A web and mobile platform where users search for specific content and stream at their convenience.
Users will be able to login, search for movies and TV shows as well as search via movie studios in Ghana.
Wireframe Design And Architecture
For our web wireframe, it outlines the sidebar navigation which has options for users to select TV, Movies. Navigation is as follows:
- Home — The home page for the platform
- My List — List of movies and TV shows you’ve saved
- Recently Added — New additions to the streaming platform
- Upcoming — Movies and TV shows which will be added to the platform
- Genres — Categories for TV shows and Movies
- Movies — Movie section for the streaming platform
- TV Shows — TV show section for the streaming platform
- Studios — List of all the movie and TV production studios that have content on the platform
- Settings — Section to adjust platform settings
- Log Out
The home page displays a highlighted movie or TV show. Below are the recently added TV shows and movies
The top section has the search area, notifications, and Profile.
When a TV show is selected, it shows details including the synopsis and number of seasons. It has options to start watching and adding to your list.
The seasons and episodes are displayed below.
For Movies, the user views the synopsis of the movie, the run time, the genre the cast, and director.
The mobile design has the navigation area at the bottom. The profile is located at the far right.
The high fidelity shows the logo and the color scheme.
For the details of a movie and TV show, the synopsis is shown, as well as the number of seasons for a TV show.
On mobile, the user has a bottom navigation which has “Search”, “Movies & TV”, “Studios” and “My List” which is the user’s highlighted movies and TV shows.
There is a specific section for “Studios” where users can see produced movies and TV shows from specific Ghanaian studios. In the screenshot below, Sparrow Pictures has both a selection of movies and TV shows.
This is currently a work in progress but that’s the basically idea.
What do you think?