This Is My Life At 32
The Memory Phase
This is me at 18 in the picture above.
This is before I knew what life was going to throw at me.
This is before I was in Liberia near the height of the Ebola epidemic finishing up a work project.
This was before I was having panic attacks and finding it hard fitting in my own homeland.
This was before the therapy sessions.
This was before the antidepressant prescriptions.
This was before heartbreak.
Before the death of loved ones.
When I turned 31, I started to look back at my life to see what I’ve learned.
Now I’m 32 and I still look back. But now I’m looking at it even less.
It Never Goes According To Plan (And That’s Perfectly OK)
In my head, the plan was to go to college, get my computer science degree and work at a technology company where I would get my own desk and have nice 9–5 routine.
Well, it didn’t go that way….
This is what happened instead:
- I failed at Computer Science and switched to Business. 4 years later, I graduated with a Business degree.
- I came back to Ghana and worked in IT Security.
- I switched from IT Security after 3 years and went to User Experience Design
- A year later, I created a now-famous Tech blog
- Two years later, I created a media group.
So you see…the path is not all that straight.
My 20s were the best of times and the worst of times. I went to college thinking I knew what I wanted to do and that ended in disaster. Then I found something new that I liked and things were on the up and up
I worked in a completely different career field when I got out of college. Fast forward and now I’m fully in Business Development and content creation.
Yeah…I totally planned that (That’s sarcasm. I didn’t plan anything)
I have no idea what I’m doing at the moment(well, I actually know a little bit). I’m kind of making it all up as I go and seeing what sticks. And that’s not a bad thing.
Personally, I have no idea what lies ahead for me. I used to think I could plan my future as best I could but there are beyond your control.
The older I’ve gotten, the more my personal views and opinions change. Now that I’m 32, they’re more solidified as I learn and re-learn things.
So where are we on Relationships? I have no idea if that’s going to happen. I’ve been single for 5 years. I’m not throwing in the towel but motivation is not as strong as it used to be.
Marriage? I’m not sure. The relationship part has to work out first.
Kids? Yeah…that’s looking less likely. But like I said, things can happen and I can change my mind.
Lonely Road But Hoping It Gets Better
I’ll be honest. It’s been lonely. And I’m not talking about relationship lonely. I’m talking about personal relations lonely. Every day I wake up and I’m staring into a computer screen, trying to figure out what I’m going to do for the day.
I try to catch up on TV shows and movies. I try to create content. I try to learn something new every day. The weekend comes and I try to figure out how to spend that time.
Sometimes I wake up and want to run away to a new country and start a new life. That sounds crazy and if I got the chance, I would probably do that in a heartbeat.
But for now, I’m just trying to be content with what I’ve got. Every year you get older means a year closer to your death day (a little morbid but those are the facts). All I can do is try to enjoy myself, whether in my own solitude or with people I know.
We made it through another year.
Happy birthday to me. Welcome to 32 🎂